SDU’s Praktik- og Projektdag

FJ Industries deltager på SDU’s Praktik- og Projektdag i Odense d. 30/10-2024
hvor vi glæder os til at møde de ingeniørstuderende.

Praktik- og projektdag er mødestedet, hvor virksomheder og studerende gennem dialog, kan danne en forståelse af de forskellige ingeniørfag og skabe gensidig interesse for et muligt samarbejde under studierne. 

Vi har hos FJ Industries flere studerende i studiejob og praktik.

“Knæk Cancer” campaign

We support the Danish campaign “Knæk Cancer”

Once again FJ Industries is supporting the Danish campaign ‘Knæk Cancer’.

From the 7th of October to the 27th of October Tv2 and the Danish Cancer Society conducts their yearly campaign with the aim that fewer people get cancer, and that more people survive and have a better life after cancer. All activities are anchored in the values: Hopeful, Touching, Serious, Engaging, Involving.

The campaign is finished with a big fundraising show on the 26th of October. The donations contribute to the Danish Cancer Society and their pursuit of trying to minimize the cases of cancer and increasing the number of cancer survivors.

‘Knæk Cancer’ is the biggest effort in Denmark fighting against cancer. We are happy and proud to support this important cause.

FJ Industries A/S support the heart cause

FJ Industries A/S  support the heart cause. And we are proud of it.
The heart cause is important because it concerns us all. The heart calls on you – and on us.
Why? Because far too many Danes die of heart disease. In fact, one in five dies ☹. Maybe you yourself have lost someone you care about to the disease.
That is why it is so crucial that we raise a lot of money so that research and prevention can be carried out.

#Hjertegalla #1udaf5 @hjerteforeningen

FJ Industries wishes all a great summer!

FJ Industries wishes all a great summer! ☀️

The production in Denmark is closed in week 29 and 30. There will be staff available in our warehouse, logistics and sales.

We are looking forward to continue our cooperation after the summer break.