4. November 2013

70 years in business and new website launch

The first of November 2013 FJ Industries celebrated the company being 70 years in business. Our Chairman Karsten Andersen took us through the history of the company from horseshoes to global high-tech steel component subcontractor. The financial crises, the shot down of the Maersk shipyard and last but not least the start-up of our production in Sweden and China just when the financial down turn hit us, has been very painful the last 6 years.

Before that period the company has been able to gain profit more or less every year and now we are well on our way to recover and we are again looking at a brighter future for the company.

Gathering our Danish employees, the board members, the shareholders and the special guest of the day 93 years old Martha Christensen (one of the founders’ widow) we also took the opportunity to launch our new website. We are very proud finally to have a modern and responsive website that represents our global business card. We are expecting to have a Chinese language version at the end of the year.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us.

Happy anniversary – we are looking forward to collaborate with all our customers for the next 70 years!